Artists can be peculiar people. They are often creative, inspired and known for pushing the boundaries. Without them, congregations and communities would be quite bland. However, there's no doubt that with their valuable creativity there can also be sensitivity, controversy and dissent.
At my church, we've recently launched a Worship Planning Committee to translate each weekend's theme into a transformational worship experience for our attenders. It has been an exciting transition for us. Our team is relatively small, but representative of the different areas of ministries involved in worship as well as diverse in age and culture.
There has been a great difficulty in uniting people with such different perspectives, backgrounds and preferences though. In an effort to cast a vision, I have included in my emails, worship thoughts and in my words throughout each meeting some thoughts on unity, patience, compassion and peacemaking.
In an effort to further solidify the unity of the team and create a template for the conversation, I've created this covenant that all of my leaders, including those on the Worship Planning Committee will need to sign.
Here are the points that are listed on that covenant:
1. I will maintain and grow a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. I will continue to develop my technical abilities and skills to give God my best offering in worship.
3. I will use my position of authority to grow those under me both spiritually and technically.
4. I will publically support and respect other leaders and volunteers involved in ministry.
5. I will voice any concerns or disagreements with other leaders with the following biblical principles in mind…
a. Ephesians 4:14-16: Speak the truth in love to the individual. Do not use divisive language, condescending tone or allow my personal preference to interfere with communication.
b. Matthew 18:15-19: Go to the person, one-on-one. If that doesn’t work, involve one or two other leaders. And, so on…
c. Colossians 3:12-17: Be compassionate, tenderhearted and seek peace and unity above all else, for Christ’s sake. Our ministry is worthless if we are not exemplifying the love and mercy of Christ in our lives and relationships!
5. I will resolve to make worship at New Hope a transformational experience for people who come by lifting Christ above all things and eliminating distraction of any type from doing so.
6. I will treat all topics of sensitive natured discussion in meetings and private conversations confidential.
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